Denne uken vil vi trekke frem Nokia’ People & Planet 2020 rapport der den finske stoltheten legger frem sine planer om å kutte sine utslipp med 50% frem til 2030. Rapporten er verdt å se på, og intet mindre enn 6,6 milliarder brukere benytter Nokias teknologi når de skrur på sine mobiltelefoner. Dette målet har de nådd to år FORAN planen.

Pekka Lundmark, President og CEO, Nokia sier det slik

“Too often, sustainability has been an afterthought, a ‘nice to have’. But for Nokia, sustainable solutions are both a business opportunity and the basis of our decision-making. We believe technology will help solve many of the world’s biggest challenges. The critical importance of connectivity for individuals, businesses and nations was clearly demonstrated in 2020. Our sustainability work focuses on the role of technology in combatting climate change, enabling an inclusive and more equitable society and improving lives.”

Du kan laste ned rapporten her.