Jeg kjenner en investor som har gitt meg noen spørsmål som han kaller Grunder memo. Dette er spørsmål investorer vil ha veldig gode svar på hvis de skal investere i et selskap.

“De ser kanskje enkle ut, men jeg har til gode å møte en grunder som ikke sliter voldsomt med å gi gode svar på dette. Stort sett er svarene klisjer og floskler over egen fortreffelighet, m.a.o. de forstår ikke spørsmålene eller finner de for vanskelig til å gi skikkelig svar på.” (Olav, Hans E 2012)


1. A brief but very accurate description of your product/technological
solution, in particular exactly what is unique?

2. What has been, what is and what do you expect the technological
challenges/difficulties to be and how have you, are you and will you
solve these?

3. A brief background/history and strategic explanation of status

4. A detailed but short description of past, present and likely future markets where this solution/product fits in; who has been, are and are likely to be the major players, directly and indirectly, and how is this likely to change/look going forward, and how do you/your product fit into all of this?

5. Your various value propositions broken down to dollars and cents, e.g. what incremental value will your customers receive from using your solution/product; in terms of both cost savings and revenue increases. In other words, what are the value propositions that will compel your potential customers to purchase your solution/product?

6. Your corresponding revenue model(s), e.g. your “pricing policy) and your rationale for this?

NB: Do not mistake value propositions for revenue model because they are not the same.

7. A description of your present and likely future competitors and why your value propositions and revenue models are superior, and how you will keep it that way.

8. A description of your business model to reach critical mass of customers and cash flow positive in the shortest possible time using a minimum (but necessary) funding from your funding partners/shareholders. Needs to be specific to show that you have a very good plan/strategy of how you intend to spend the investors money wisely and with solid return.

NB: Showing us a 5 year budget has nothing to do with answering the above

9. What is your exit strategy? A very good explanation of the various exit options.

NB. Disse spørsmålene er typiske for investeringer i såkornfase og tidlig ventureselskaper. (Før bedrifter kommer i vekstfasen)

Disse spørsmålene er bare på engelsk, men ta kontakt om du har noe spørsmål relatert til det ovenfor, så skal jeg forklare innholdet så godt som mulig:)


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